An arctic fox sunbathing

An arctic fox sunbathing
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An arctic fox sunbathing

I captured it on the outskirts of Barentsburg, Svalbard. There were four or five of these little cubs, all playing in the vicinity. There were no parents in sight. Finally, one of them stopped running around and rested in the sun for a couple of seconds. It took a good couple of hours of sneaking and waiting to take this shot!

The sun does not set in the summer there - I took this photo close to midnight!


  1. This picture brings me such happiness as much as the sun seems to bring this adorable fox well being
    It’s filled with strong emotions for me
    Thank you 🙏

  2. (translated by Google) It’s such a great photo. I came across it on the Google Chromecast desktop and looked at it in fascination.

  3. J’adore cette photo, je ressens la joie de vivre de ce magnifique animal et le grand bonheur qu’il reçoit à l’instant présent ❤️

  4. I saw this on my Google Chromecast display and I LOVED it. So serene and regal

  5. I love this picture. I wish I could see it everyday on my Chromecast, but I miss it quite often. It is my very favorite picture. You have caught many beautiful sights in nature that most of us would never see, thank you. I like to think this Artic Fox is soaking up the rays that our Heavenly Father provides for all of creation, what a beautiful picture of complete peace. Shalom, Shalom ( Perfect Peace)

    1. Dans les paramètres de la chromecast vous pouvez définir cette photo pour tout le temps si vous souhaitez

  6. Jooo….momento PAZ…..ese despertar y respirar profundo mientras te invade la luz con su color. Sí yo también le busqué….es mi ZONA DE CONFOR…. muero de envidia por Rygielki….no puedo dejar de mirar al pequeño zorro sin coger aire e imaginarme esta sensación. GRACIAS POR BUSCAR ALGO MÁS

  7. Esta foto dignifica a mi animal favorito. Demuestra la simpleza y conformidad de estar disfrutando el Sol. Muestra su gran capacidad de adaptarse a los entornos más extremos del planeta. Lo admiro!

  8. This photo is by far my favorite animal in nature photo. I always feel so relaxed when I see this lovely fox sunbathing and wish I could be him/her. I make it a point to sit and look at the fox and deep breathe when it comes up on my tv. Thank you for your talent and patience.

  9. When I saw this miraculous photo on TV in the sleep mode, I immediately feel in love😍, because it gives me peaceful vibes. When I’m sunbathe I look exactly like the cute little fox.🦊 It will forever remind me of summer and its warm days☀️🥰

  10. This is such a beautiful photo! I saw it on my chrome cast, and it brought me such a sense of peace. I quickly took a picture of the artist name and immediately set out to find the source. This picture is now my wallpaper, and I plan to order a print of it when I can afford it so I can support you as an artist! ❤️

  11. This photo made me cry because I constantly wonder what this fox is doing at the moment. He looked so happy in the picture. 🙁

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