Team Up!

Team Up!

If you’re a traveler with similar skills and interests, maybe we might consider teaming up?

What do I mean exactly?

I mean to plan a trip and travel somewhere together. Get to know each other, and have a great time.

To be clear, this is not a commercial offer. It’s just that I am an introvert, and I don’t like travelling alone. And so, I love surrounding myself with people who like doing similar stuff. If you think you might be one of those people, let’s share our travel destinations (and photography ideas?).

Trekking in the grass

Some places I visited

That’s not an exhaustive list (far from it). It’s just a couple of examples, and personal recommendations. Just so you know what kind of travel I like.

Sarek National Park, Sweden ★★★★★

We had an off-season 2-week-long trek there. We walked around 200km with no cellular network coverage, no resupplies, carrying all stuff on our backs. Really loved the landscape. The foggy valleys. Would definitely visit again.

Nepal ★★★☆☆

Annapurna Circuit was pretty nice, although perhaps a bit too commercialized for my liking. Quite a lot of people, and places to stay. And the weather was actually “too good” (not a cloud in the sky; that’s bad for the photos!). Still, I suspect there might be some less-touristy places up there, worth visiting again (perhaps in a monsoon season?).

Kyrgyzstan ★★★★☆

We have been biking there for 9 days and then trekking for 4 more days. The more off-beaten-path we were, the more interesting it was. And probably the best part was the uncertainty of doing something for the first time. (In this case, it was our first flight with our bikes.)


Spitsbergen ★★★★☆

Foxes and reindeer! But also polar bears. This was a boat trip (so the bears were no trouble), but I think I would be interested in repeating it trek-style. Probably would have given it 5 stars, but we spent most of the time on a boat, and I really missed getting tired.

Remote work from an awesome place ★★★★★

I am one of the lucky people who can work remotely. When I find others willing to do so, we rent a house in some unusual place. And yes, we work. But before and after work, there’s always something new to see!

Spending time in a bush ★★★★☆

What I mean here is hide photography. I probably wouldn’t be able to do that for days on end, but if there’s a chance of a great animal shot, I am definitely up for devoting it a couple of hours. I strongly prefer to “crawl up” and hide myself (as opposed to using existing commercial hides).

Torres Del Paine, Chile ★★★★★

I visited it many years ago, and I have lost my photos! So I might not be remembering it right. But I’m pretty sure it was amazing. The constantly changing weather. The guanacos. The towers! I would definitely visit again.

All the cities of the world ★☆☆☆☆

Well, okay. Rome was good, and I would like to visit Barcelona one day. But for me, cities are not destinations; not really. Usually, they’re just places I happen to stumble upon.

Beskid Niski, Poland ★★★★★ 😉

Because that’s probably the most secluded mountain range in Poland. Not many views, but a lot of history and places to hide. Each Spring, I used to spend a couple of days with a tent there. (Note for foreign visitors – I am Polish and lived in Poland most of my life.)

Things I have not seen (yet)

These are some examples of the places I would love to visit one day.

Some of these are very specific photo destinations. But the idea is that, if we pick one, we would still organize a longer trekking/biking in the vicinity.


  1. Love you photos. You have an amazing talent and are able to see things in a rare perspective that most people are unfortunate to see, until you bless them with your beautifully photographs. Thank you for what you do… I would love to be able to travel, explore, and to just,.. be, to indulge in the all the simplicities that are most preciouse but yet almost forgotten if not already are…
    Thank you

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